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ISUPNAT (Institut Supérieur de Naturopathie), the school where I was trained, is accredited by FÉNA (French Federation of Schools of NAturopathy). Any member of the FÉNA undertakes to respect a code of ethics . As a member of OMNES (Organization of Natural Medicine and Health Education), you can find me on their directory of therapists . It brings together professional naturopaths practicing in France, who can prove that they have obtained their certification after having followed a face- to-face training course lasting at least 1200 hours.

As a Naturopath

I am subject to professional secrecy.


I do not in any way replace your attending physician and I will never ask you to interrupt a treatment: the naturopath will in no case intervene in place of the doctor .

Naturopathy endorses the definition of health expressed below by WHO: “ A state of complete physical, moral and social well-being ”.

Naturopathy and its practitioners want a respectful collaboration of all medical and health professions.

The naturopath's vocation is to put himself at the service of the human person and by teaching the laws of life, to allow all those who wish it, without any discrimination of social condition, nationality, religion, ethnicity or sex, to acquire the best possible level of health.

The naturopath must maintain and improve his knowledge through a system of continuing professional training.

In the event of an epidemic, the naturopath will refer to the provisions of the health laws in force.


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